The sample consists of 72 instruments of torture. His masks, shackles, clamps, the electric chair, the guillotine or the famous "Iron Lady", among other terrifying instruments, are witnesses to human horror and pain. Divided into four sections, the Museum of Torture shows us a wide and diverse collection of instruments used in different historical stages of humanity. Letting us know the darker side of human creativity. Hand in hand with the atmosphere of the Palace of the Inquisition, this museum permanently exhibits instruments of torture and humiliation, characteristic of the Holy Inquisition and other authorities corresponding to the Middle Ages. For a long period, this exhibition was in the Palacio de Minería.

Schedule: Monday to Sunday 10:00 - 18:00 hrs At your disposal +52 55 5521 4651 How to get Tacuba # 15, Col. Centro. 06000, Historic Center